Muhammad Yunus
A World of Three Zeros: The New Economics of Zero Poverty, Zero
Unemployment, and Zero Net Carbon Emissions
Muhammad Yunus is a Nobel Prize winner, founder of the Grameen Bank, the inventor of microcredit and originator of the concept of social business.
In this book he develops the concrete vision of a new, post-capitalist world, asks what an economic order beyond capitalism can look like, and what steps need to be taken to make this new order reality.
His thinking starts with a new view of the human being: The latter is not only the homo economicus, who is oriented towards self-interest and is concerned only with the maximization of individual profit, but also a deeply social beinginterested in the common good. If we succeed in making room for this striving of man, then this is the beginning of a civilizing revolution.
The subtitle “How Social Business Eliminates Poverty, Eliminates Unemployment and Promotes Sustainability” outlines the topic fairly precisely. The author states that capitalism in its current form inevitably leads to more and more social and
ecological inequality. At the same time he shows positive perspectives and draws motivating ideas for a more social and sustainable society.