Gunter Pauli
The Blue Economy
The “Blue Economy” by Gunter Pauli is an economy that is oriented around nature. It draws an Encouraging economic model based on natural symbiotic ecosystems applied to industrial production. Blue like our planet, on whose regional ecosystems a sustainable economy should be oriented.
Pauli’s principles are being applied worldwide, primarily in developing countries, in over 200 projects. According to Pauli, this has created around three million jobs by 2016.Nature is the model for the “blue economy.” By analyzing how it works, Pauli arrived at the principles of a sustainable economy. Here are his guidelines brokendown into ten points. All the points only make sense together as a holistic concept. Just like an ecosystem, which the “Blue Economy” is based on.
1. nature works in regional cycles
2. there is no shortage in nature
3. nature adapts to local conditions
4. nature belongs to everyone
5. everything in nature is connected
6. everything in nature is biodegradable
7. nature is efficient
8. nature is constantly changing
9. nature is diverse
10. many benefit from a natural process
This book presents a combination of case studies making the case for a nature based economy and is full of interesting idea’s for more sustainable businesses.
Amazon: https://amzn.to/357pAeQ